Soaring through the air, singing in the treetops or gliding through the waters of the River Wye, birds can be seen and heard almost everywhere in the woods in Hay on Wye. With both the Wye Valley Walk and Offa’s Dyke long-disance walking routes going through the woods and lots of places to sit and relax, there is access to some marvellous bird watching at By the Wye, a fantastic activity to do with your family.

The Glamping Site Accomodation in Hay on Wye is based in a mixed broad-leaved woodland on the bank of the River Wye. It is an excellent location for birdwatching as places where there are a lot of trees make good nesting sites for birds. A tree’s fruits, nuts, seeds and even their insect inhabitants provide birds with an array of tasty treats. By the Wye in Hay on Wye has a typical range of bird species resident all year in Welsh Woodlands, supplemented in Summer by common visitors (Warblers and Flycatchers in particular). Dozens of species have been recorded living in the woods in Hay on Wye. Water birds like Swans, Egrets, Heron, Duck and Geese can be seen wading or gliding down the River Wye. Little Robins, Blue Tits, Chaffinch and Wrens can be seen building nests from scratch, using materials they find lying around in the wood. Woodpeckers can be heard rat-tat-tatting as they climb, hop or creep along tree trunks, gobbling up insects. Then as night falls, most birds settle down to sleep but, for a few, dusk is the start of their day. Noctural birds like Tawny Owls and Barn Owls spend the daytime dozing in tree trunks, but perk up when the moon starts to shine.

We are pleased to report finding the Summer migrants Pied Flycatcher holding territory in the woods at Hay on Wye and can also confirm the breeding of Spotted Flycatcher, and singing Redstart. These two species are typical of western UK Woodlands, and are now increasingly scarse further East into England, making these recordings extra special in the woods.

Birdwatching is a fantastic outdoor activity for adults and children alike. Birdwatching can be as easy as finding a quiet spot in the woods with your family and seeing what birds are around. But a little planning and a few basic pieces of equipment that we can provide can the experience much more fun. Pop in to The Hide with your family and we will show you the best spots to watch birds in their particular habitats. We can also tell you the best times for birdwatching. For example, you’re more likely to spot birds in the morning than in the evening, and in the spring and autumn than in the summer or winter. But, no matter what time of day or year it is, there’s always something to see. You could keep a record of the birds you’ve spotted with your family by making sketches and jotting down when and where you saw them. If you don’t recognise a bird come and ask and we will figure it out together. Sometimes you might not see all the birds that live in the woods at By the Wye, but you can keep an eye out for clues that tell you where they’ve been. In summer, many birds grow new feathers to replace their old, worn ones. You can find discarded feathers in spots where birds roost or eat. Come see us in The Hide and we will show you the feather we have collected from the woods and you can guess which bird they belong to.